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Making Green Fun for Your Children

Parents and kids can go on green vacations together. Eco tourism is huge industry and there are many such vacations possible. You might think in terms of going through an ecologically aware travel agency or just designing green trips of your own. ... Children love to help their parents make things in the kitchen. A great way to teach your kids about green living is to make natural, perhaps vegetarian, meals and snacks with them. These can be made from organically grown ...
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Love It: Going Green& Gettin' It On at Hotel Monaco

GREEN LOVE MACHINE: Just in time for Valentines Day, Hotel Monaco Portland has a brand new package, called 'Renewable Romance,' that's very Portland...and well...romantic. As you know, PDX is a very 'green' city and the hotel wanted to ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Awareness Wednesday: WWOOF, Part 1 ? Solaris Whole Health: The Blog

Some families want a ?green vacation on a European farm? as a way of teaching their children about responsibilities and a holistic approach to life. There also has been a movement of white collar urbanites feeling the need to return ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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